The question asked is, “What do people thank me for”? Or another way of looking at this is “What do I love helping people with”?

I’d have to say, that I’m not too sure what people thank me for. I guess I need to make myself more approachable or start to offer help more often.

What I’d like to help people with is how to discover their true potential. It starts with me and the daily actions I take in order to achieve my personal goals. I want to use myself as an example to inspire others to do more with their lives. I’d like to help people discover there is an alternative to the life they are living now. We are ultimately in control of our own destiny. If we don’t like the life we are living, we must cultivate the tools necessary to make changes in our lives to live the life we want to live.

I love giving people advice on the things they can do to better their lives. I don’t currently offer this to many people as I don’t want to impose or project my opinions or ideas onto someone else. Therefore, I feel the internet is a great place to put these ideas out there so they can be found by those who seek it.

I’d love to encourage others to make more positive choices in their lives that ultimately result in them living a better life.