I am currently working in my family business at a local car dealership in the valley of Southern California. I joined this business shortly after graduating college just to make a few buck before pursing other passions. 10 years later and I am still here working at the dealership. 

I currently reside in West Hollywood, CA with my amazing Fiance, Marina, and our dog Niko. I enjoy golfing, surfing, going on hikes, traveling and really anything that I can do outdoors. I love to exercise too. You can find me at the local HIIT studio, Training Mate, nearly every morning bright and early; it’s a great way to start the day. 

I have always taken interest in personal development. To understand ourselves on a deep level and to truly know our values and beliefs is what I feel is true freedom. Some of my favorite people I follow on this subject matter are: Robin Sharma, Tony Robbins, Eric Thomas, Jordan Harbinger, Simon Sinek, Tim Ferris, Grant Cardone, Marie Forleo, and Marianne Williamson. In addition I take great interest in Eckert Tolle’s work, the philosophy of Joseph Campbell, specifically, the “Hero’s Journey,” and Stoicism.

It is my hope that by sharing my philosophy of life and by taking action to carry out what I preach daily, that I will inspire others to do the same in their lives. I’ve always found it difficult to try and change others. However, what’s in our control is being able to change ourselves. Not to sound cliche, but to quote Ghandi, “Be the change you want to see in the world.” This is what I aspire to do everyday.