I took a while to really internalize this question, as I wanted to answer it as honestly as I could. I asked a couple people closest to me what they thought fires me up. These people had nice ideas, but they sort of missed the mark.

Personally, what fires me up the most is the idea of expanding and growing as an individual in order to better the world that we live in.

I love talking about ways to improve myself on a physical, emotional, spiritual and intellectual level. I am a firm believer that if we’re not growing then we’re dying. How can we strive to be a better version of ourselves each day? What motivates us? How can I motivate others to do the same in their lives?

A lot of them stems from being the oldest sibling in my family. Naturally as the eldest, I want to set the example for my siblings and give them guidance to living an exceptional life.

I often wonder and philosophize on what makes a life great. At the end of our days, when we look back on the life we’ve lived, would we consider it to be an excellent one? This too is one of my biggest fears as I do not want to look back at my life and have many or any regrets.

I have a close friend from College who really challenged me to pursue this path of life. He lives this ideology out daily. What fears can we overcome today? What doubts do we have that we can push through? What limiting beliefs are stuck in our head, keeping us from achieving our loftiest and scariest goals? What lies beyond our comfort zones often is the answer to many of these questions.

It is so tempting to be complacent in life and accept mediocrity. The majority of the world lives this way, in fact, most of your loved ones live this way. They may even encourage you to, “Take a break,” “Have a beer,” “Watch that Netflix series,” “Relax a little,” “Stay out a little later and party,” “Just have one more drink with us.” The list goes on and on.

One must internalize and continue to question their choices and decisions in life, regardless of how they are being influenced by others. One must always ask, “Is this decision aligned with my goals and where I’m striving to be in life”?

The decisions we make now have a domino effect on everything else we do in life. For example, what can I accomplish in my day if I decide to stay in, wake up early and work out, versus going out late, sleeping in and most likely being hung over?

I feel in a world with so many distractions and influence, not enough people are exposed to this type of lifestyle. Many people feel it’s the norm to work a mundane 9-5, catch up on all their shows, or grab a beer with their friends after work. However, in my opinion, all of that amounts to nothing! Nothing better happens in this world once your Netflix series if over. All that happens is you find out what happens at the end. And then you go on to watch another series! This is just an example of many things people do to escape their realities rather than tackling their difficulties and working through them in order to better themselves and better the world as a whole.